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GALEX Foundation, enriching lives through tennis and wellness progams, will provide free Kidney Function Screenings and Education to individuals at high risk for Chronic Kidney Disease. High risk groups include those with personal or family history of Hypertension, Diabetes, or Kidney Disease. Ethnic minorities and the elderly are also at increased risk.

The screening involves a blood test that will identify the current functioning level of the kidneys. The education portion will include information about Kidney Disease and treatments, and dietary information that promotes healthy Kidney function. Kidney failure is the last stage of Kidney Disease and requires Hemodialysis or Kidney Transplant to sustain life. Estimates indicate that 26 million American adults have Chronic Kidney Disease.

According to Glen Alex who has worked in Dialysis for over 9 years, "Early detection and treatment can slow or stop the progression of Kidney Disease, and a proactive approach by the patient and Nephrologist is imperative." Thus the purpose of the free Kidney Function Screenings and Education is to initiate early detection of Kidney Disease and initial treatment. GALEX Foundation hopes to minimize the number of people affected by Kidney Disease with this program.

The screenings and education will be provided by staff at Red Rock Renal Group and laboratory services will be provided by Quest Diagnostics, on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 6-8pm at Red Rock Renal Group: 5751 South Fort Apache Road, Suite 201, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148.

Please contact Glen Alex to sign-up for the free Kidney Function Screenings and Education.

Glen Alex, Executive Director
GALEX Foundation
Phone: 702-205-3729 or 702-807-7349
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