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Mike and Bob Bryan
Up Close and Personal by Anis KHAIR

Tennis fans in Las Vegas were advantaged by the presence of Mike and Bob Bryan, US doubles team and number one doubles in the world. The event took place at the popular and exclusive Stirling Club

In attendance were well known local tennis personalities, Marty Hennessy of Marty Hennessy Foundation, Ryan Wolfington, newly appointed director of Nevada Tennis Association and the one and only famous comedian, Rita Rudner

To succeed in any sport, personality plays a major role. Up close and personal, Mike and Bob Bryan are people friendly, hard working, non temperamental people, happy within and with themselves. They are warm and good hearted and as it has been said many a time; “One cannot keep a good person down”. This is true for both these young tennis players, as we see them achieve greater success

We see, with success, fame, and fortune comes arrogance and indiscipline. Both Bryans have not a slightest sense of such inside them. In fact, they both have down to earth personalities. Psychologist say, that whatever personality a person has, is up to 98% dependent on how a child, while growing up, is treated by their parents. Credit goes to parents of Bob and Mike Bryan for nurturing, kind and down to earth personalities and yes, giving us tennis players, who by the virtue of their nurtured personalities and talent, have brought doubles tennis in the forefront of tennis world

Both communicate with each other freely, on and off the field, and it seems they are in constant touch with each other psychically. On one occasion, Mike was looking for his brother Bob. I noticed, at that very moment Bob who was a little distance away, spontaneously looked up and turned his head towards Mike. I also noticed, and the two brothers may not realize, that subconsciously, when one or the other is away, the other is looking for the missing partner

Both Bob and Mike have superb communication skills while playing and do what the other asks without hesitation or second thought, trusting the others decision

World doubles number one are very normal people. When Bob was having lunch and Mike opening his lunch box, Bob commented that the lunch was very tasty and Mike responded, Ya, shaking his head quickly, attacked his lunch. While Mike was chewing his first bite, Bob informed Mike that there were 8 boxes of the same under the table. I could see the interest in Mike’s eyes as his head turned over to and under the table where lunch boxes were

How to distinguish between twins? Apart from one being right handed and the other left handed, and who has two moles on the neck and who has not, personality wise, I noticed that Bob was shy and Mike was not. Mike was more talkative of the two. So when you approach Bryan Brothers, the one who acknowledges you first would in most cases be Mike Bryan.

All photographs in the album below are by Anis KHAIR
Connections Academy
Tennis Warehouse
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Marty Hennessy Foundation
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